Jaymarc FAQs

Jaymarc FAQs2021-01-13T23:23:17+00:00

The following are the most frequently asked questions by clients looking to have Jaymarc AV provide them a new system:

What is the typical turnaround time for a system installation?2021-01-11T22:57:00+00:00

Our process involves detailed review, engineering of the system, completing a site survey and receiving your approval before ordering any equipment. This ensures a quality design and installation. The entire process typically requires 4-6 weeks. Larger systems can take a bit longer, and smaller systems may take less time.

What does your one year warranty include and not include?2021-01-11T22:56:35+00:00

Jaymarc AV provides a complete warranty on all design, installation and materials, for a period of one year. Our only exclusions are consumer electronics and owner furnished equipment. (Travel time may be excluded for some locations.) In addition, we offer extended warranties and scheduled maintenance for our clients in a very cost effective yearly service agreement program.

What is the manufacturer’s warranty?

All the manufacturers we work with have at least a one year warranty. Many, in fact, have warranties anywhere from 2 to 5 years.

What are your terms of payment?2021-01-11T22:55:44+00:00

We have two popular methods. Our most common method is to bill out 40% of the total cost in advance, with the balance due 30 days after installation is complete and the system has been approved. The other method of payment is through progress billing that is based on an approved schedule of values.

Will you accept a credit card for payment?2021-01-11T22:55:16+00:00

No, we do not accept credit cards for payment of systems. We will, however, accept credit cards for payments of service as this is sometimes the only payment method available to the client.

Will there be training on the system?2021-01-11T22:54:52+00:00

Absolutely. Training is extremely important to us. Even though our designs utilize very intuitive control systems, educating your staff on all aspects of the system operation is important. Many times, training sessions are recorded to be used later as a quick review for new staff.

What is the turnaround for service if there is an issue?2021-01-11T22:54:31+00:00

Jaymarc AV has a dedicated service department for our clients. Our service number goes directly to our service manager who assists over the phone and sets a schedule. Service calls are prioritized and usually are addressed within 24 to 48 hours, depending on the urgency. In addition, many of our clients are part of our planned maintenance program. These clients are top priority and are helped within the same day or the next, again depending on urgency.

Who owns the programming of the system? Do we get a copy?2021-01-11T22:52:34+00:00

You, the end user, will own the program. After completion of the project, and as part of the close out documentation, we provide a copy of the program to you. This close out documentation also includes your warranty statement, manuals on your systems’ components, and as-built drawings on how the system went together.

What is your client privacy policy?2021-01-11T22:52:06+00:00

Jaymarc AV will never use our clients name, site pictures or statements made in any of our promotional materials, or in any other manner, without prior written consent from an authorized person in the organization. We understand the importance and respect our client’s privacy. This is part of our company culture and is discussed with all of Jaymarc’s employees.

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